General Info

Height :  5'10"

Weight :147 lbs

Position :Forward


Birthday  :  08/22/2003

Class of  :  2020 


School  :  Kuper Academy Juvenile


Team Name  :  Kuper Juvenile Team

Coach  :  Jon Silver

If you're a recruiter or talent scout, feel free to contact our Hockey Director about potential opportunities.


#9 Nicolas Gingras

Bio :

I am currently in grade ten at Kuper Academy. Throughout the year I participate in various sports such as, hockey, basketball, and lacrosse. I try to help around the kuper community as much as I can, for example, I  score-keep for the other hockey teams and am on the Rhode committee. I come from a big hockey family, both my brother play high level hockey. I hope to be able to continue to play intense level hockey and further my education after I graduate from kuper by continuing my education at a preparatory school.